Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Dating in Birdland - Part un

I've decided to devote this blog to foibles and fumbles of dating and the ever-growing urge to live in the 1950's. No, I don't really want to live that life, but it sometimes seems that meeting your life partner, marrying and all the accompanying family-building stuff was somehow easier then.

I do have some basic requirements. I'd like my life partner to be male, and strictly heterosexual. Basic run-of-the-mill husband material. It would also help if he were Jewish. I'd like to have a family one day, and fighting over spiritual traditions is not part of the romantic vision dancing in my head.

Now, I know I'm asking a lot here, but I'd really like to meet a man who likes to shovel snow. I don't mind mowing the lawn in the summer... I don't even really mind shoveling snow, but boy is it a chore when you have to do it all by yourself!

Really, it's not so hard to find a good snow-shoveler. But a nice, Jewish snow-shoveler? Yeah, well... If you know anyone? I'm all ears.

Chirpy Greetings

Greetings and salutations from me and my two cats. What's a bird doing with two cats? Well.... there's never a dull moment.